Yokogawa Harmonic Analysis Software for WT3000/WT000E

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The measurement procedures and settings for harmonic/flicker standards testing have been precisely defined. Engineers must also stay current with the specialized knowledge and up-to-date information required to periodically review the contents of the standards and perform the standards conformance tests. The model 761922 Harmonic/Flicker Measurement Software enables engineers without specialized knowledge to perform a range of operations using the WT3000/WT3000E Precision Power Analyzer including judging standards compliance and outputting test reports.

The measurement procedures and settings for harmonic/flicker standards testing have been precisely defined. Engineers must also stay current with the specialized knowledge and up-to-date information required to periodically review the contents of the standards and perform the standards conformance tests. The model 761922 Harmonic/Flicker Measurement Software enables engineers without specialized knowledge to perform a range of operations using the WT3000/WT3000E Precision Power Analyzer including judging standards compliance and outputting test reports.


Firmware version 4.01 or later with the following functions.

  • Flicker measurement function (/FL option)
  • GP-IB interface (standard) or Ethernet interface (/C7 option)


Measurement modes Harmonic measurement, harmonic observation, waveform observation
File types Settings information files, measurement data files, screen image files, report files
Data conversion Harmonic and waveform data can be converted to CSV format.
Display screens Measurement value judgement graphs, harmonic current bar graphs, harmonic current measurement value lists, harmonic current variation graphs, waveform graphs, voltage/current/power variation graphs, harmonic voltage bar graphs, harmonic voltage measurement value lists, harmonic phase angle bar graphs, harmonic phase angle measurement value lists
Data acquisition time Can be set to any value between 1 second and 24 hours, 00 minutes, 00 seconds, in 1-second step
Communications GP-IB interface (WT3000/WT3000E)
Ethernet (WT3000/WT3000E)

System Requirements


Operating System
English version of Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10

Dual core or more processor

2 GB or more recommended

Hard disk
10GB free space or more

Communication Card

GP-IB NI (National Instruments)


Communication Card

Ethernet An Ethernet port that supports 10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, or 1000BASE-T
Display, Disk Drive,
Printer, and Mouse
Display Resolution: 1366×768 dots or higher
Disk Drive: A drive that can read CD-Rs
Operating System Operating system mentioned above

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